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    Acne Hair Treatment in Bangalore

    Have you been lately experiencing bumpy formations on the scalp when you are brushing your hair or stroking them for a massage? Then it’s a clear sign of scalp acne which is a common phenomenon seen in many around you. The advancement of science has the best solutions for scalp acne. 

    Natural Hair Bangalore has the best scalp acne treatments in Bangalore that has the best dermatologists to help you in evading and preventing scalp acne.  

    What is Scalp Acne?

    Scalp acne is acne (also known as a pimple) that is formed on the scalp due to the pores or hair follicles blocked with dead skin, dirt or sebum (excess oil production on the scalp). Scalp acne can occur anywhere on the scalp. The acne on the scalp is treatable with medications and it can occur in any age group. Dermatologists do not perform any particular tests to confirm the scalp acne formation since it can be seen with the naked eye itself on the scalp.  

    Causes of Scalp Acne 

    Scalp acne is the result of a few unhygienic practices combined with some of the underlying causes. Here is the list of causes of scalp acne:

    scalp acne treatment in banglore
    Acne hair treatment

    Excessive Oil Production on Scalp – Generally, the scalp produces oil which nourishes the hair follicles naturally. When there is excess oil production (also known as sebum), it makes space for the formation of scalp acne. 

    Dry Skin – On contrary to an oily scalp, an excessively dry scalp also causes more dead skin on the scalp leading to scalp acne. 

    Drugs Side-Effects – Intake of medicines that contains estrogens, corticosteroids, lithium or androgen may cause side-effects that affect the scalp making way for pimples/acne on the scalp. 

    Hormonal Imbalance – When there is an imbalance in the androgen hormone, the body produces more sebum making the scalp too oily. The oily scalp causes more debris formation on the scalp leading to acne accompanied by inflammation. 

    Stress – The pimple formation and inflammation are related to stress. The hormonal balance is triggered by stress that causes an imbalance that result in negative thinking causing stress. This chain reaction results in scalp acne.

    Hair Products – Hairstyling is the current trend but when it demands excess usage of hair products then it hints towards the damaging effect known as scalp acne. Excess use of hair products such as hair gels, waxes and hair sprays is harmful. 

    Genetic – If your parents and grandparents had scalp acne then the hereditary factor plays the role here for genetically transferred scalp acne. 

    Increase in Temperature – When there is excessive heat and the scalp is exposed to the hot and humid climate, it starts sweating on the scalp. The sweat leads to dead skin formation and the hair follicles are blocked forming scalp acne.

    Dandruff – It is dead skin flakes that are dry and congest the pores of the scalp skin. The congestion of pores leads to the formation of pimples. 

    Environmental Factors – If you are working in buildings or factories that are polluted, it may cause a break out on the scalp leading to pimples /acne.

    Processed Foods – If there is more intake of processed food that has fat and sugar content, it increases the sebum production in the scalp. More sebum is equal to increased scalp acne. 

    Symptoms of Scalp Acne

    • Red bumpy spots on the scalp spread entirely on the head. 
    • Small and mild pimples are seen on the forehead and the hairline edges. 
    • The hair starts to lose its shine and become extremely dry.
    • The scalp turns out to be very uncomfortable making it irresistibly itchy.
    • The appearance of scarring and bald patches due to ignorance of the acne issue and leaving it untreated. 
    • Formation of acne around the forehead and temples due to excessive usage of oily hair products on the scalp.
    • Formation of acne keloid on the scalp. Acne keloid is a thick scar that occurs on the back of the scalp due to the formation of scalp acne. 
    Acne hair therapy

    Types of Scalp Acne

    Scalp acne types can be divided into 3 types depending on their severity:

    Mild Scalp Acne – The clogged pores on the scalp in the form of blackheads and whiteheads.

    Moderate Scalp Acne – In this type, there are a higher number of pimples called papules that causes high inflammation that is visible on the scalp. At times these papules can also be filled with pus. 

    Severe Scalp Acne – When there are formations of cysts and nodules on the scalp with papules that are very painful that becomes a severe case of scalp acne. 

    What Is The Treatment For Scalp Acne?

    Scalp acne can be very painful and uncomfortable and though they are not contagious they need to be treated at the right time to avoid the severity and also to avoid allowing it to turn into serious acne issues such as acne necroticamiliaris and scalp folliculitis. 

    The dermatologists would recommend the following treatments:

    Steroid Injections– if the scalp acne is severe and shows no signs of healing or reduction then the steroid injections are induced directly to the scalp.

    Salicylic Acid – This helps in reducing the production of sebum and reduces the formation of the bacteria that causes acne. Use a cotton ball to soak in salicylic acid and dab it on the scalp gently after cleansing the scalp.

    Glycolic Acid – A mild shampoo containing glycolic acid will be recommended by the dermatologist. It gently exfoliates the skin and avoids over-drying the scalp. It can be used twice a week for better results. 

    Ciclopirox or Ketoconazole – These ingredients are present in anti-dandruff shampoos that are good for the riddance of scalp acne. 

    Like the formation of acne on the face, acne on the scalp is also a common issue we find in our surroundings in Bangalore. The best treatments and early detection help in evading scalp acne and being relieved from the pain and discomfort that comes along with it. 

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